Lavish Resort

Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AOS Library

About Lavish

We’ve all encountered websites and applications that make us want to throw our devices across the room in frustration. Fundamentally, a good user interface enables users to complete the task that they came to the website to do with ease and without confusion. On top of it, the title of this hackathon, "Hacks and Crafts" was also an essential factor that led us to design this amazing site with fantastic UI and animations.

It's a fully responsive site for a Resort Agency where you can view the types of suites they offer, the facilities they offer, and the activities that are popular. The site also has a testimonial section attached. It has a unique UI with certain animated interaction that intuitively draws the user’s attention to a certain element. Moreover, it has a minimalistic design that is liked by the majority of the users.

This website is built using HTML and CSS along with some UI and animation libraries such as Bootstrap and AOS library and this project was pitched to Hack and Crafts Hackathon by Major League Hacking(MLH)